
The Music of America!




Here are the questions you need to be able to answer at the end of your researching. You can also find these questions on the Webquest Worksheet, which is an attachment in the Process Page. Feel free to print it out and use it to help organize your research findings. Good Luck!

1)      What is the definition of your music genre?

2)      What city did your music genre originate in?

3)      When did this style of music start to be popular?

4)      What types of instruments are typically heard in this music genre?

5)      Who are 3 of the most famous musicians of this genre?

6)      Are there any famous landmarks or theaters for this music genre?

7)      Is there an award show for this music genre?

8)      What music genre was this influenced by?

9)      Did this music genre influence others that can after it?  Which ones?

10)     How did this genre affect the listeners? 

11)     Name 3 famous songs from this genre and their singers/composers.

12)     Choose a fourth song that is an example of your genre and analyze its tempo, mood, texture & dynamics.

13)     What is your opinion of this music genre?  Do you like it? Why or why not?

14)     What is your favorite and least favorite characteristic of this music genre?

15) Choose 1 current musician from this genre, and using Allmusic.com, research back 5 generations of people who influenced them. (ex. Taylor Swift was influenced by Shania Twain, who was influenced by Reba McEntire, etc.), and include the years they were born, died and 1 famous song by each artist.  You should end up with at least 6 musicians total.


You must cite the resources you use, so keep track of what websites you visit!

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