
"Setting" into A Separate Peace



Step-by-Step Process

Carefully follow each of these steps to complete the assignment.

1) Choose "who" your letters will be to/from.
     - One person must be a young boy (around 16-17) who is attending school and facing the difficult         decision of to enlist with the military or wait to be drafted.
     - The other person can be anyone somehow involved with the war. 
Example: Your person could be a man in war on the battlefield. Or a nurse in war on the battlefield, caring for the injured. Or a woman on the homefront awaiting, hopefully positive, news about her husband who is on the battlefield. Get creative.

2) Research what it was liket to be an American during WWII. Find sources that fit the type of person you chose in Step 1.
     - Use only credible websites / sources. You must have at least three.
     - You may use the sources listed at the bottom of this page (resources section) as a starting point. 

        I want you to also do some of your own research. 

 3) Create a correctly formatted APA Reference page using your THREE credible sources that you found.
    - This must be turned in with your completed letters.

4) Write two letters. It is your choice which "person" writes the first letter and which "person" is the responder.
     - These are letters, meaning that you do not have to have in-text citations. However, this means that I should be able to learn about your researched information through the content of your letter. Be creative and find ways to add in actual facts. 

Example: If one your people is a woman on the homefront waiting for her husband to return, you could talk about how the food rationing is becoming a problem since you have six growing children to feed.

5) Your letters must be at least one-full page each (double-spaced), 12 pont font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins all the way around.

6) Look at the evaluation page to see how your letters will be graded.

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