
Is the FORCE (Of Gravity) Really With You?



Each member of the team will explore different aspects of the force of gravity and answer their own individual questions.  The members will then meet to discuss the questions and share their findings.  Be prepared to focus what you've learned into one main opinion that answers the Essential Question(s) based on what was learned from the WebPages.  (The teacher will provide you with a copy of the questions.  Write your answers on the worksheet.)

Scientist 1

1. Define mass and draw your interpretation.
2. Explain matter.
3. The more matter an object has, the more it will ___________.
4. Do objects in space have mass (matter)?
5. Draw and label an example of something that is large in size, but small in mass.
6. Draw and label an example of something that is large in size and large in mass.

Scientist 2

1. Define gravity and draw your interpretation.
2. How are matter and gravity related?
3. The force of gravity is affected by what two things?
4. Why is our gravitational pull not as strong as the earth's?
5. Draw and label an example of something that would have a tremendous amount of gravitational pull.
6. Draw and label an example of something that would have a small amount of gravitational pull. 

Scientist 3

1. ILLUSTRATE and EXPLAIN the relationship among the mass of objects, the distance between these objects and the amount of gravitational attraction (known as Law of Universal Gravitation). 

Scientist 4

1. What is inertia?
2. ILLUSTRATE and DESCRIBE how gravity controls the motion of objects in the solar system.



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