
The Catcher in the Rye Introduction



  1. First you must decide which role each person in your group will take (see files below):
    • The Biographer’s main job is to study JD Salinger’s life.
    • The Literary Critic will look at articles dealing with The Catcher
      in the Rye and analyze them.
    • The Historian will study the era in which The Catcher in the Rye
      was written.
    • The Teenager will look at teenage life in the 1940-50's and compare this to current life
    analyzing the importance of teenagers and their connection to the novel.
  2. Once you pick your role, your job is to study the information
    related to your role and answer all the questions listed on your page.
  3. The next part of your assignment is to come together and discuss
    your findings with the other members of your group.
  4. When you meet, make sure you take notes on everyone’s findings.
  5. Once you have met with your group, your job is to write out a statement
    that will convince me to either keep the novel in the curriculum or exclude it
    next year. You must list your points below the statement that will support your position.
  6. Your statement must include the findings from all three group members.
  • The statement should be approx a 1/2 page in paragraph form, stating your position
  • Supporting material should include quotes from the articles you and your group members read


  • File
    Description: The Teenager

  • File
    Description: The Biographer

  • File
    Description: The Literary Critic

  • File
    Description: The Historian

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