
The Catcher in the Rye Introduction



The Catcher in the Rye?  Phonies?  Being Sexy?  Holden Caufield?  
Birds in the lake? What does this have to do with my life? You’re probably wondering
why a novel which has been steeped in controversy since its publication and is written
about a teen who constantly complains about everything around him has become so popular.
Well, today’s your lucky day! You and two of your fellow classmates are going to decide
whether The Catcher in the Rye deserves the hype it’s received. Each of you will
investigate an aspect of the novel, become an expert on it and discuss your findings. You
will be asked to be on one side of the debate as to whether or not this book should still be
taught in schools. I know you have not read the novel yet; however, a lot of people who either
approve or oppose the teaching to this novel have not read it either. They are simply taking
on the opinions of others. We will then have a debate in class based on your findings.

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