
The Use of ICT in the Classroom



A. ICT Tutorial

  1. Download the resource fot ICT Practical Work.
  2. Extract the file
  3. The instructor will lead you to follow the manual how to add sound and movie to your presentation.
  4. After ICT session your group must create a presentation using the given topic.
B. Group work to create interactive presentation.
  1. Do a internet research for looking for references or media that will be added in your presentation.
  2. Your group can choose the format of presentation: slide presentation format (PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress), movie format (mov,mpg4, avi) or flash animation format (swf).
  3. Make your presentation as interactive as you can.
  4. The presentation have to be presented on the last day of training.
List of Topic:
  • Birds Group : Multiple Intelligences and Differentiated Learning
  • Insect Group : Theory of Constructivism and How to Apply in the Classroom
  • Sea Animals Group : Left Brain vs Right Brain Learning and How to Integrate the two
  • Farm Animal Group : Successfull Classroom Management


  • File
    Description: Insert sound and movie into Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

  • File
    Description: This is a sample of flash movie from youtube to be used in the project

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