
Diary of Anne Frank



Your group must research the following terms and create a word it out ( word Cloud). Each term must have at least 3 words in the word it that describes them.  See attached example in the links section at  at the bottom of this page.  The word cloud must be submitted to me via email from one person in your group.




You and your group will watch the following Nearpod on background on the Holocaust and complete all the tasks in the Near pod.  Please make sure that each person completes the Near Pod individually since there are assessments that I will grade throughout the Near Pod  


View video on Anne Frank and her life  and complete the questions on the attachment below labeled " Anne Frank video questions."  Each person must download the word document into their google account and submit to me electronically for grading. This video will help you and your group to fully understand her background and how her personality made her even more appealing to the millions who read her diary.


Task # 3-  This project will be completed as we are reading the "Diary of Anne Frank" from your literature books.


As a group create a personal reflection diary regarding The Diary of Anne Frank and the history of the Holocaust. Your diary should vary in pens, cursive/print, doodles, size, etc. You must include artwork. Artwork can be personal drawings, clipart, newspaper clippings, and magazines.
MAKE THE DIARY YOURS!    WORTH: ___________________/50Points 

Be Creative- Personal Reflection Diary Can Be Turned in as:
1. PowerPoint
2. Word or Google Doc


You must choose enough entries to equal 100 points. You  and your group must complete number one and two, but can choose which activities you do after that.

1. Front Cover- Name, Period, Date, and Illustration __________ /10 Points

2. Here is what we know about the Holocaust... ___________/10 Points

Here is what we want to know about the Holocaust...
What I learned about the Holocaust…
(You must cite where you found information about the Holocaust) 

4. A diary is...
How do you feel about diaries/journals? ___________/10 Points

5. If you had to live in hiding and could not make a sound from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. every day, except Sunday, and had no electronic toys to entertain yourself, what would you do? Make up a daily schedule for one of your days, by listing an activity for every hour from 9-6.

__________¬¬_/10 Points

6. Anne's father tells her to remember, "There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind." Respond to this quote...Do you agree? Disagree?

__________¬¬_/10 Points

7. Compare and contrast Peter and Anne ___________/10 Points

8. Write a name poem for one of the characters. _______/20 Points
(first and last name)

9. In Scene 4 Anne describes the first thing each of the people in the secret annex would like to do after getting out of the hidden quarters. If you were free after many months of hiding, what would be the first thing you would like to do? Why?
__________/10 Points

10. Prepare a holiday gift list for your family as Anne did. Include only items that cost no money. Write an explanation of why each gift is just right for the person receiving it. Provide evidence to support your reasoning.
___________/10 Points

11. The last quote that Mr. Frank reads from the diary is, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." What does this tell us about Anne's character? What do you think about this quote? ___________/10 Points

12. Last Entry - What feelings did you experience at the end of the play?
___________/10 Points




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