
Fulfill the Fantasy on a Fiddle Tune!



You will as Music Critics for the GMS Wind Ensemble do the following:

1.  Listen to each of the performances of Fantasy on a Fiddle Tune.

2.  Determine the differences between the two performances.  Decide of those differences

     which ones you prefer and explain why.  

3.  Determine what stood out to you as the listener and why it stood out to you.

4.  Give history and background to the melody of Fiddle Tune.

5.  Explain what you learned about Pierre LaPlante the composer.

6.  Select a section of the song as the groups favorite and perform that section.

7.  Explain why you chose that section and why you feel it should be performed in the

     manner you chose.

The review should be presented as an official report recorded through a smartphone

or an iPad.  It can also be posted on Youtube.  The report should include all members of

the music review team (GMS section) with all contributing ideas and suggestions.  The

performance should also be recorded and should include all members of the section.

The presentation will occur during rehearsal with the entire GMS Wind Ensemble watching

and reviewing.  The FANTASY winners will be announced by the band staff.

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