
Exploring The Seven Wonders Of The World!



Step 1
For this project, you will need to get in groups of five. Once you are in your groups, you will pick one set of wonders to explore.  Group A will have Ancient Wonders. Group B will have Modern Wonders. Lastly, Group C will have Natural Wonders.

Step 2
Once in your group, you will watch the following video to prepare you for the trip ahead!
Group A: WORLD AHOY Animation Series Ep.01 "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World"
Group B: The NEW 7 Wonders of the World
Group C: Seven Natural Wonders of the World

Step 3
After watching your video, you will go to www.google.com and gather information on each of the wonders. One person can become the team leader and assign each team member a separate wonder. Yes, there will be some with two wonders. Just think of how wonderful it will feel to explore TWO wonders!

Step 4
You will also need to go to the following sites to gather information you may not yet have.
Group B: New 7 Wonders of the World
Group C: Seven Natural Wonders (CNN)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Natural_Wonders_(CNN) For this link, you will need to open your individual link from the list provided to you (under the intro paragraph).

Step 5
Now that you have collected all your information, let the fun begin! You will need to open a new PowerPoint Presentation. Don’t remember how to create one? No problem! The fine people at http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1063/CreatingPowerPointSlide.pdf have your back and are more than happy to help you out!

Step 6
Select the slides you will present. Each person will present 1 slide from start to finish-this means one Wonder per person. You will include details you found to give as much information as possible. The required information needed will be location, when it was named or considered vanished, a picture and the meaning behind it.

Step 7
You will save it as PowerPoint Presentation Modern, Natural, or Ancient Wonder. Make sure you have a cover slide and all group member names are included. Pictures and resources must be cited on last slide.

Step 8
Upon completion of PowerPoint, you will do the corresponding worksheet individually. This will need to be turned in before your group presents. All worksheets will be individually graded as part of this assignment. You will find these under the "Evaluation" tab.

Step 9
You will present as a group together. You will be graded individually and as a group. Please be sure to speak loudly and clearly. Points will be deducted if you cant’s stand long enough to listen and respect each person in your group (dancing around, acting funny). Please look presentable and be ready to “WOW” your audience!


  • Ancient Wonders
    Description: This worksheet is to be completed BEFORE your group presents. It will be graded as part of your overall score.

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