
U.S. History-The French Revolution

Overall Process/lesson plan for teaching History


U.S. History to secondary students needs to be aimed to meet all the students learning abilities in a diverse classroom setting. In this History lesson the new knowledge will be gained by a differentiated instruction following the learning standards and core topics. The students will be involved with a lesson plan designed to strengthen self-sufficiency, critical thinking, logical reasoning, promote strategic questioning and literacy skills. The lessons will be base off of the History textbook that coincides with websites related to The French Revolution including the beginning, during, and end that led to Napoleon's involvement. Technology has great benefits to providing fun ways to learn or gain a deeper understanding of the material at the students own pace as they also have the ability to choose different websites or internet sources to gain more knowledge. The lessons will aim to describe details in France during the 1700's and 1800's that include effective learning objectives, activities, assessments, and provides useful resources that create an engaging and interesting learning environment.

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