
Organisms: Past, Present, and Future



Phase One:

  • Research the following categories and choose an organism for each. (thriving, threatened, endangered, and extinct)

Phase Two:
  • Chose an image from each category to support your choice.

Phase Three:
  • Define the category in which each organism is classified and give a small description. 
Questions to consider:
  1. When was the organism considered extinct, threatened, endangered or  thriving?
  2. How did this occur?
  3. Why were these organisms effected?
  4. If they are not extinct, what can be done to preserve their species?
Phase Four:

With the information you have researched, complete a collage using a variety of different media. Make sure to include the descriptions in the project. (i.e. poster board, construction paper, glitter, shoe box, etc.) Be creative.  

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