


You will research information about the holiday of Hanukkah. You will be provided with links to various websites to research information such as vocabulary, Hanukkah foods, Hanukkah traditions, and more. You will be provided with a scavenger hunt worksheet to complete where you will find the answers on the web pages listed below. After finding all of the information necessary for the scavenger hunt, you will write a short story about your family and how they celebrate Hanukkah. What traditions do you have in your family? What games does your family play  and what foods does your family eat?

After you have completed everything, there is a link at the bottom of the page where you can play Hanukkah games and learn even more. This link it only to be visited after you have finished all necessary work.  

1. Go to the TASK bar and click on it.  Then scroll to the bottom of the page and open the document titled Hanukkah Scavanger Hunt. After you open it you will find a list of questions to answer. There will be a web site link provided above the question.  Use the links to find the answers to the questions.  

2. Once you have finished answering all of the questions, there will be a blank space at the bottom of the page where you can write about anything else you found to be interesting about Hanukkah.

3. Once you have learned all about Hanukkah you will begin writing your short story. At the bottom of the page there will be document for you to click on called My Hanukkah Story. Here you will write and tell all about what your family's Hanukkah celebration.   In your story be sure to include the following components. What traditions would you follow? What games would you play? What family members would attend? What foods would you eat? After answering these questions, you can write about anything else you wish to add to your Hanukkah celebration.

5. Have fun and be creative! Let's Go!


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