
Where it all Began and Where it is Now...Music Theory



Getting "Behind the Scenes"

  1. Click the link below, or copy and paste it into a new tab in your web browser.
  2. http://musictheory.net/
  3. Click on the "Lessons" tab
  4. Scan over the lessons that are given to you from top to bottom.  When you see a lesson that you have not yet studied, click on it.  For example; if you know what "dots and ties" are, but you don't know what "simple and compound meter" are, then click on "simple and compound meter."  This is where your journey will begin. However, I recommend a complete refresher of all the lessons, so we are all on the same page.
  5. Once you are finished with your first lesson go on to the next lesson, and then the next, and the next, until...
  6. You get to a lesson called "Key Signature Calculation," "Interval Inversion" or "Voicing Chords," you will then click on the "Trainers" tab, located beneath the "Lessons" tab.
  7. Complete ten questions in the "Note Trainer" and ten questions in any other Trainer of your choice (It would be best to choose one that corresponds with the lessons you completed).  When you are finished with the ten questions, show me your results on your computer how many questions you got correct or take a screen shot and email me the results.

  1. Now I would like you to research some forms of early notation.  The time period I would like you to research is the Medieval Era.  Below are some websites to help get you started.  As a final project, you are to make a presentation (a paper, powerpoint, speech, etc.) explaining some of the differences you see between the way musicians in the Medieval Era notated music, and the way we notate music today.  Be prepared to give some examples in class.  Please use at least 2 more websites than those listed below, and give reference to them.

Here are some helpful resources to get you started:





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