
Florida Agriculture



Task 1
You will use the resources below to answer the following questions about Florida agriculture:
  1. What are the types of crops Florida produces?
  2. What is the value of the different Florida crops?
  3. Which County has the most crops sold bases on monitory value?
  4. What were the top agriculture exports in 2010? What was the value?
  5. Where where these products Exported? What was the value?
  6. What crops are grown in Miami-Dade County?
Answer the questions in your STIR journal.

Task 2
You will create a Powerpoint presentation to report your research findings. 
  1. You must create an outline (what will be on each slide)in your journal.
  2. The PowerPoint must have a title slide with your name and period.
  3.  A minimum of 7 slides. 
  4. The presentation must include images, a table, and a graph. 
  5. Must use bullets NO Paragraphs of information.
  6. No slides with just images
  7. No slide that says "the end"
  8. More detail can be found in the evaluation rubric. 


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