
Florida Agriculture



Your PowerPoint will be evaluated based on your coverage of the following within your presentation.

The following questions need to be answered in your presentation:
    1. What are the types of crops Florida produces?
    2. What is the value of the different Florida crops?
    3. Which County has the most crops sold bases on monitory value?
    4. What were the top agriculture exports in 2010? What was the value?
    5. Where where these products Exported? What was the value?
    6. What crops are grown in Miami-Dade County?
    In addition, you need a title slide with your information and a minimum of 7 slides. You need to include some images, at least one table and graph.


    # Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score
    Number of slides, Images, and graph/char More than 7 slides, includes more than 3 images, and a chart and graph. Has 7 slides, includes less than 3 images and has a chart and graph. Has 7 slides, one image and a chart and graph. Has less than 7 slides, no images, and/or no chart or graph. 15
    Font, Images, Chart, Graph are clear and readable. All images,font,chart and graph are clear and readable. Most images,font,chart and graph are clear and readable. Few of the Images,font,chart and graph are clear and readable. Most of the Images and font are unclear and unreadable . 20
    Presentation Content Content was accurate and well organized and covered the topic Content was accurate and well organized and was missing some information. Content was accurate and not well organized and was missing some information Content was not accurate and disorganized much of the information was missing 40
    Class Presentation Knew the material presented with confidence. Knew the material presented lacked confidence Was unsure of material lacked confidence Material unclear presentation was poorly presented 25

    Total Score: 100

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