
Career Exploration and Job Transitioning for Students with Disabilities



You will now begin the ten step process to completing the lesson. Please make sure you follow each step accordingly in order to receive full credit.

  1. Step One:

    • Many of you may be unfamiliar with Work Based Learning Programs. To help you gain a better understanding of what this program is, I have provided a link as well as a video. The video gives tips on how to have the best experience in the work place and the benefits of taking part in the program. The link provided gives a more detailed explanation of the Work Based Program.
  2. Step Two:

    • Prior to beginning the remaining steps I would like you to complete the following questions using a multimedia and digital storytell tool called Voice Thread. Voice Tread will allow you to create virtual interview skills and document your career exploration paths. You can record voice, text, audiofile, or video, create brief presentations, upload photos, create panaromas, slide shows,incorprate flicker, Youtube, and Facebook all around you career exploration and path. Complete the following questions :
    • If you could have any job profession, what would it be?
    • Do you feel a program in which you get to experience career life would be beneficial to you? Why or why not?
  3. Step Three:

    • You will now complete the career assessments and career quiz  located on the links below. Based on your answer to the above question, I want to see how your own personal career goals compare to the outcome of the personality/ career assessment. Please complete both assessments, to see if you receive the same result for both, as well as your answer to Step 2. You could also have different results for your response and both of the career assessments. In your Voice Thread record, text, or audiofile the results of your assessment and answer the following question:
    • Based on the results, are you taking the quiz into consideration? or do you feel they don't explain your personality and career goals?
  4. Step Four:

    • You will now visit the Career Center Corner located in the library on the first floor of the school. The Career Advisor will help you sign up for your Work Based Learning Program. This step is very important in order to be able to continue to the next step. I encourage you to visit the Career Center frequently, even as often as once a month!
  5. Step Five:

    • At this point in the WebQuest, you should be starting your Work Based Learning Program. The program will take place once  a week for approximately three to four hours; or depending on what you and your Career Advisor planned for your career goals and expectations. We will travel by bus to the nearest Work Based Learning site. Upon arrival you will have options of which job opportunity is right for you or what you feel comfortable with. Remember, the purpose of this step is not to match your career assessment quiz, but to gain work experience to build your resume. The Work Based Learning Program is a great way to gain real experience in the work force. You will continue this program throughout the year, with the opportunity to try other jobs at the university.
  6. Step Six:

    • The next step is to attend our schools Job Fair. This will be a great way to learn about career opportunities you may be interested in and to broaden your knowledge of the field!
    • We will also begin our community-based instruction program. This will allow you to gain some experience with volunteer work throughout the community. We will do this at least once a month throughout the first two years of your high school experience.
    • In Voice Thread, please record, video, text, or audiofile three or more occupations that caught your interest and  explain why you may consider them as a future career. 
    • If you could choose one of the professions to job shadow, which would it be?

  7. Step Seven:

    • Now that you have gained some work experience at your Work Based Learning Program and Community-Based Instruction Program you will begin to compose a practice resume. Follow the link below in order to complete all of the requirements. Please print out the resume once completed.

  8. Step Eight:

    • You will now work with a group of two to three other students using Voice Thread. Each of you will be given several common interview questions to ask each other. You will alternate roles being the interviewer and the individual being interviewed. Answer questions thoughtfully, as you will take place in a mock interview with an an adult. This is your time to prepare and practice for the future! With Voice Tread this will allow you to record all of your experiences in a fun and interactive way. It is also a great way for others to view your path and for me to view your progress throughout your journey and make suggestions and comments.   

  9. Step Nine:

    • The interview process is a requirement for any job opportunity you may have. As you saw in the video, it's best to be respectful to your possible employer and to be prepared. Know what is  appropriate for interviewers to ask, and also to have a good understanding of your individual rights. Remember, this is just a scenario put together for the WebQuest. Do not feel that mistake will be held against you, it is simply a way for you to prepare for future interviews. Each interview practice will take approximately ten to fifteen minutes. After the interview session, feel free to ask any questions you may have. Such as what you could improve on, what you did well, and any other tips they may have for you. Just remember to have fun and do your best!

  10. Step Ten:

    • This is the last step to the Web Quest! Please turn in a final two paragraph paper, consisting of five sentences per paragraph (due dates will be discussed in class). The paragraphs should include:

                           You may either type your two paragraps and turn it in to me or you may use Voice Thread and use the text option feature

                         What was your original career goals and why? Was your career assessment similar or different?

    • Has your outlook on your career goals changed since completing the career assessment, job fair, and Work Based Learning Program? Why or why not?
    •  Did you have a positive experience with this Web Quest? Why or why not?
    • Have you learned any valuable information that you can use in the future? If so, what is the most important thing you have learned?


Web Link
  • Voice Thread
    Description: Voice Thread in an multimedia and digital story telling tool that allows you to create interactive slides shows, record voice, create panoramas, upload pictures, create brief presentations, type text, create an audiofile, incorporate flicker and Youtube videos, and share with others.

Web Link
  • Resume and Cover Letters
    Description: This link will allow you to practice creating a resume and cover letter. You will start with one but by the time you are done with your journey your resume will look totally diffrent than when you started. You may even have several resumes'

Web Link
  • Career Quiz
    Description: This website will introduce you to various careers and a career quiz. Take the quiz and find out what careers match your interests

Web Link
  • Career Assessment
    Description: This is a link to an on-line career assessment. Log in and begin answering the career assessment questionaire.

Web Link

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