
Dead Mathematicians Society



Once you have selected/been assigned a mathematician you will need to collect important information for your campaign.  Topics that should be covered include but are not limited to:

1.  When and where he lived.  You may want to discuss what was happening during his life and how his studies related to problems of that era.  What technology information he had available.  

2.  What areas he studied or theories he worked on.  If you refer to a certain theory, principle or area of study make sure to briefly explain what it is.

3.  Who he worked with or studied under and who may have studied under him.  You should include some comparisons to other mathematicians as a foundation for why your particular person should be elected above other nominees.

I suggest trying the websites I have listed below.  You may search for your own sites if you are having difficulty obtaining information.  Your textbook and books, encyclopedias found in the library may also be useful.

It is highly like you will encounter some vocabulary which may be foreign to you.  Be sure to use the resources below to identify these words to better your understanding of the material.  


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