
Dead Mathematicians Society




# 0-4.9 5-6.9 7-8.9 9-10 Score
Oral Presentation Presentation was at least a minute over or under allotted time frame. Presentation was completed within 1 minute of allotted time frame. Presentation was completed in allotted time frame. Presentation was dynamic, articulate and engaging. Completed within time frame allotted. /10
Visual Aids No visual aids were presented. Visual aids were provided but did not significantly contribute to the overall presentation. Visual aids were appropriately used for the many but not all aspects of the presentation. Visual aids were incorporated throughout and effectively enhanced the presentation. /10
Relevant Historical Data Year of birth and death included, as well as where person lived. Additional information included some technology/information available. Insight given as to how the technology available affected studies. Information provided on what was happening during era. Aspects of the time frame were addressed and related to studies/contributions of mathematician. /10
Fields of Study Some areas of study were simply listed. Fields of study were listed and explained. Fields of study were explained. Mentors, colleagues and understudies are listed. Fields of study are explained. Comparisons are made with other mathematicians. /10

Total Score: /40

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