
Conducting Research: Fact or Opinion?

Task 3: Citing Resources


You are almost there!!!!  One last task to complete....

The last thing that we need to learn to do is to properly cite our sources using APA format.  APA format is widely used in the sciences and is a little bit different than some of the other methods that you may have seen before (such as MLA).  It is important to be able to properly cite sources so that you can avoid plagiarism (which is illegal and is against your school's code of conduct).  Plagiarism is easy to avoid as long as you give proper credit to ideas and knowledge that are not your own.  Follow the steps below to learn how to properly cite sources:

1.  Click on the "APA Style" document link below.  You will need to open the document (no need to save it!) and print one copy (each person will need ONE, so if you are working with a partner, make sure you print one for them, too).  You will need to keep this document in your binder for future reference.  Take a look at the examples on the document to see how they might be different than what you have done before.  Next, return to the WebQuest and complete the next activity.

2.  Click on the "Purdue Owl" weblink below.  This website provides information on how to use proper form in writing a research paper when using the APA style  (size of margins, font type and size, spacing, etc.).  While you are not writing a research paper at the moment, it is a good site to visit when you do later on.  Make a note of the web address in your Science Journal so that you can visit it when you are assigned a research paper.  DO NOT LEAVE THE WEBSITE...stay on the Purdue Owl website for the next activity.

3.  On the Purdue Owl website, take a look at the menu on the left-hand side of the page.  Notice that there are links for making in-text citations (such as when you are writing a paragraph or providing a quote and need to give credit to an author).  There are also links for the different types of references (books, articles in periodicals, and electronic sources).  Take a look at a few of these links.  When you are finished, return to the WebQuest for the final activity.

4.  Using the "APA Style" document that you printed and the information that you found on the Purdue Owl website, you will type out a reference page for the three articles on tobacco that you reviewed.  (The weblink to the articles is located below under "Example Articles".)  Click on the "Using Microsoft Word to Cite References" video below.  Once you have watched the video, create a reference page.  Print ONE copy of the reference page (make sure it printed properly before closing out of your work!) and write your name at the top (and your partner's name if you worked with someone).

5.  Turn in your work!  You will need to STAPLE the following pages together and turn them in before the end of class:

Fact or Opinion Quiz, Area 51 Activity, three criteria rubrics, and reference page.

Double-check to be sure that you are not forgetting anything!  Also, be sure to read the rubric on the WebQuest "Evaluation" page.


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    Description: APA Style

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