
Go, Glow and Grow Food



Welcome students today we are going shopping, we are going to shop for go, glow and grow food. This is going to be a spectacular activities. Students will learn the different foods in the food groups and what they can be used for. Get your basket, money, shopping bag and shopping list.

Go foods are the type of food that provide fuel and help us 'go' and be active. These foods give our muscles fuel to run, swim, jump and our brain fuel to concentrate. Example: bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potato.

Glow foods can keep our immune system strong so that we can fight bugs and viruses. brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals to keep our skin, hair and eyes bright and glowing and we need to eat different types everyday. Example: tomato, apple, orange, banana, broccoli, cabbage and callaloo. 

Grow foods help our body grow bigger and stronger. Grow foods help build our body's bones, teeth and muscles. Grow foods help keep us feeling full so that we don't get hungry quickly. Example: chicken, meat, cheese and yoghurt.

Ready, Set, Go, Glow and Grow Food! 


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