
Ancient Egypt



More than 5,000 years ago, ancient Egyptian civilization emerged in the Nile River valley. Egyptians settled in the fertile strip along the river and depended on it for their survival. Did you know that the Great Pyramid, which is Egypt's largest pyramid, was build as a tomb of the pharaoh Khufu. Early Egyptian pharaohs, as the rulers of Egypt were called were considered god-kings and ruled the land and also held the highest place in society. The pharaohs ruled Egypt for more than 3,000 years.

Two of the most famous Egyptian rulers were Queen Hatshepsut and Ramses II, who used the pharaoh's power in different ways. Queen Hatshepsut carried out all the rituals that were expected of a king. She even wore a false beard which was considered as a symbol of the king's power. The "Good Queen Hatshepsut" build Egypt's wealth through trade. Ramses II ruled about 200 years after Queen Hatshepsut. While the Queen increased Egypt's wealth and power through trade, Ramses chose war. His first half of his rule was spent fighting in distant lands.

Given a research topic,  the sixth grade students will create a project using the Internet and other research sources to find information about Ancient Egypt civilization.
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