
Life of Marcus Garvey

Who is Marcus Garvey


Do you know who a hero is? Have you ever sit and wonder how can I become a hero? Well, today you will take on the task of becoming a researcher as you take an adventure into the life of Jamaica's first national hero Marcus Garvey and then you will gain the answers you need to your questions. Firstly, you will research about Garvey's life and achievements, then you will research about his contributions to the development of the Jamaican society which led him to become a hero. 

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican-born black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide.

Marcus Garvey’s Early Years
Garvey was born in 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. His father was a stonemason and his mother was a household servant. One of the 11 children born to the couple, only Marcus and one sibling survived into adulthood.
Garvey attended school in Jamaica until he was 14 when he left St. Ann’s Bay for Kingston, the island nation’s capital, where he worked as an apprentice in a print shop. He later said he first experienced racism in grade school in Jamaica, primarily from white teachers.
While working in the print shop, Garvey became involved in the labor union for print tradesmen in Kingston. This work would set the stage for his activism later in life.
Garvey spent time in Central America, where he had relatives, before moving to London in 1912. While in Britain, he attended the University of London’s Birkbeck College, where he studied law and philosophy.
He also worked for a Pan-Africanism newspaper and led debates at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, London, a famous spot in the city for public discourse, even today.

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