
Life of Marcus Garvey



Here is the mark scheme that will be used to grade your portfolio. Be sure to check if your work meets the given criteria.


# 7 5 3 1 Score
Data Collection. Data collected was very relevant and came from five or more credible sources. Data collected was for the most part relevant and came from four credible sources. Data collected was somewhat irrelevant and came from two credible sources. Data collected was very irrelevant and came from one credible sources. 7
Poems Poems had relevant information was very creative Poems had relevant information had some creativity Poems had relevant information was a little creative Poems had irrelevant information was not creative 7
timeline five or more Data was shown was correct and came from very credible sources. Four Data shown was correct and came from very credible sources. Three Data shown was correct and came from very credible sources. One Data shown was correct and came from very credible sources. 7
paragraph Data collected was very evident as there was more than five credible sources cited. Data collected was very evident as there was four credible sources cited. Data collected was very evident as there was three credible sources cited. Data collected was very evident as there was one credible sources cited. 7

Total Score: 21

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