
Nutrition- Food Groups



The six 'Caribbean Food Groups' are:

Staples, Legumes/nuts,food from animals, Fats and oils, Fruits and Vegetables.

Staples are energy giving foods that contains starch. It is sometimes referred to as "Starchy Food".

The nutrients Combined in these foods are Carbohydrate, fiber,vitamins and minerals. 

The foods that are found in this food group are : Bananas, sweet potatoes, yam, flour, cornmeal, rice, plantain, breadfruit, Irish potato etc.

Recommended number of servings per day: four or more

Legumes/nuts supplies the body with protein which is needed to repair and build body tissues. The nutrients combined in these foods are carbohydrate, protein, fiber, mineral calcium and iron.  

The foods that are found in this group are peanuts, peas (all kind), beans and nuts.

Recommended number of servings per day: one or more.

Food from Animal provides the body with Protein, Vitamins and Minerals.

Nutrients contributed: protein, iron, B complex and fat-soluble vitamins and fat. Red meats and organ meats are excellent sources of haeme iron.

Food that are found in this group are eggs, lean meat, cheese, fish, chicken, milk, sardines, sausages etc. Recommended number of servings per day: two or more.

Fats and oils provides the body with energy. The food that are found in this group margarine, vegetable oil, butter, fats on meat, fats in whole milk etc. 

Recommended number of servings per day: three or more.

Fruits provides Vitamins and prevent diseases. Items that are found in this group are apple, mange, ripe banana, pineapple, orange, grape, guava, etc.

Recommended number of servings per day: two or more.

Vegetables supplies the body with Vitamins, Fibers and Minerals. Foods such as carrot, cabbage, callaloo, pak choi etc.

Recommended number of servings per day: two or more.

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