
Multiple Intelligence Theory Howard Gardner



What is Intelligence?  Intelligence has been defined in many ways to included the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, and problem solving. (Wikipedia, 2011).

What is Intelligence? Intelligence has been defined in many ways to included the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional, emotional Gardner identified several distinct intelligence's based on cognitive research which, allows teachers to identify students' strengths and weaknesses (Joneja. 2016). He also came up with the determinants, ways to test students learning, and the use of multimedia in the classroom ( Jonrjs, 2016).

Howard Gardner the theory of Multiple intelligence's was created and analyze in 1893, Gardner concept of intelligence was defined in psychometric ( IQ test)., and the results didn't find any cognitive abilities that humans display. The theory stated that a child who can multiply, doesn't necessarily be more intelligence or have stronger skills than a another child they might have a different kind of intelligence . The child master multiplication may learn through a different approach, may excel in a field outside of mathematics, may even be looking at and understanding the multiplication process at fundamentally level. A deeper fundamentally understanding of multiplication, that looks like slowness can hide a mathematical intelligence than a child with higher potential who learned, memorizes the multiplication table( Wikipedia.com).

Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligence had eight abilities that meet his criteria:

Musical- rhythmic and harmonic this area deals with sound, rhythms, tone, and music and they, also sing, compose, and play music with pitch, meter, tone, and timbre.

Visual-spatial this area deals with visualize with the mind and eyes

Logical-mathematical This deals with reasoning, abstractions, critical thinking, and numbers and having an understanding, classifying, and categorizing patterns. 

Verbal-Linguistic Learned by hearing, reading, and seeing ,speaking word, discussing, and writing ideas.

Bodily- Kinesthetic are bodily motions to handle objects skillfully this also,includes the sense of timing and physical action.

Intrapersonal this area is the introspective and self-reflective and refers to understanding with self, strengths, and weakness.

Naturalistic is the ability to be productive in hunting, farming, and science, and to learn how to relate information.

Interpersonal is learn through relating with others with comparing, and sharing, and cooperating ideas( Denig, 2004, pg.16).

The learning communities has all types of learners it is visible based on Gardner ( Wiki.com, 2011). Gardner goes on to say that teachers need to incorporate learning M.I products into their curriculum, especially when an individual or a student strong posses one or more intelligence's than others( Wiki.com,2011).

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