
Ancient Rome




Today you will be experiencing a WebQuest. You will read a pre-selected text, to explore Ancient Rome and the various kinds of entertainment available at that time. 

Before reading, you have a list of key words, that pertain to the subject matter for today's WebQuest. You will locate definitions, examples, and illustrations associated with them. You will create a folder to place the illustrations in, and define each key word. Label it WebQuest Ancient Rome. This will help you familiarize yourself with the material. Upon completion, you will spend a few minutes analyzing how they connect to each other. The teacher will inform you when to stop. You will form into groups of four. Each team member will choose one of four roles.

Your scenario is your group will be traveling back in time to Ancient Rome. The roles to select from are as follows.

Time Traveler - You will be the guide for your party. You will select the year to go to, and select locations to visit.

Reporter - You will record when you go to, where you go to, what you find, who you meet

Curator - You will decide upon what items to bring back and events to take pictures of to bring back to modern times. Your goal is to display these items in a history museum.

Connector - You will find how Ancient Rome entertainment connects to modern entertainment.

Afterwards, each of you will bring your individual pieces together, and synthesis it all into something that is fun, fluid, and engaging.

You will find directions on how to create and complete your exhibit under the process's tab on the left hand side of the screen. 


Web Link
  • Text:
    Description: The primary text the students will use to complete the activity.

Web Link
  • Group Notes:
    Description: The students will compile notes taken throughout the text on this file to use for the exhibit.

Web Link
  • Image Finder
    Description: Link for curator to find images for using in the exhibit the group will create.

Web Link
  • Exhibit:
    Description: museum exhibit students will create while gaining information from the text.

The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 327
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