
Vietnam War Scrapbook



Vietnam was what we had instead of happy childhoods.
--Michael Herr, 1977


Imagine you are now close to being 70 years old.  One day, your grown son and his family come to dinner at your home.  After your family arrives and everyone has greeted each other everyone settles down to eat the delicious meal that you prepared.  While everyone is silently eating, out of the blue your 15 year old granddaughter tells you she is studying the Vietnam War in her high school World History class. You immediately perk up because you lived through the very time period your granddaughter is currently studying in school.  She lets you know that she is struggling to understand the facts and events surrounding the Vietnam War and wants your help.  You realize that the era you lived through is very unknown and distant to your granddaughter.  You excuse yourself from the table and tell your granddaughter you will be right back.  You make your way up the stairs and into the attic where you pull out a dusty box that you have not opened in years.  You open the box and pull out your musty Vietnam War scrapbook.  What kinds of memories are stored in your scrapbook? Who were you during the Vietnam War and what role did you play?  What have you compiled in your scrapbook that will help your granddaughter understand the events, people, moods, and other relevant facts?

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