
Motivational Interviewing Skills for Patient Telephone Encounters



Welcome to Motivational Interviewing. My name is Anita, your facilitator for this learning experience.

How would you like to help a patient recognize the need to a change behavior that negatively impacts their health and wellbeing, help them identify ways to change, and encourage them to act on the new knowledge? By mastering Motivational Interviewing techniques such as: expressing empathy;developing discrepancy; rolling with resistance; supporting self-efficacy; using OARS; and listening for change talk; you will help the patient recognize how their current behavior interferes with their goals and values; build motivation; and strengthen their commitment to change.

Complete all the tasks in each module and participate in the Motivational Interviewing case scenario in Module 4 and you will be well on your way to applying Motivational Interviewing skills during the next patient telephone encounter.


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