
The Holes in Math





How many of you would want to dig a 5 by 5 foot hole everyday at a juvenile camp for a crime you did not commit?

In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar this situation occurs to a young man named Stanley Yelnats. Stanley has to use math everyday while he is stuck at this camp for digging holes as well as maybe one day escaping. The same Math he uses in the book are the same concepts we have covered so far this year in Algebra.

How many of you wish that you could never be wrong?

In the book "How Not to Be Wrong" by Johannesburg tackles this question using the dreaded subject Math. For a lot of people they feel that Math is not important subject compared to others.However, we use Math in our everyday lives ‘without realizing it. This web quest will help you understand that Math is not an conceptual idea you write on the board but instead something that impacts our everyday lives.

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