
The History of Civil Rights!



During the next five days you will be using this WebQuest to learn about the importance of the history of civil rights and the people who changed the course of history. Today's schools consist of a large mix of diverse friends. In the past that was not the case. You will learn what your role is in making your community and the world an equal place for all friends.

I want you to ask yourselves a couple of questions before getting started. At the end of this lesson you will be working in groups to answer these questions. Think about what makes you different than your friends. How would you feel if you were not allowed to go to school with your friends because of your own differences? Now, how would you feel if your friend was not allowed to be your friend because of your differences?


The History of Civil Rights

Description: This video briefly discusses the history of civil rights, as well as the key people involved in the equality that the people of our nation are now able to enjoy.

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