
Picking perfect plumbing products and more



"Flipping houses," the process of buying a home, renovating it quickly, and reselling it at a higher price for profit, has gained great notoriety through various television programs. In this unit, you will be part of a "flip" by working on a team focusing on plumbing appliances.

Based on a given floor plan, you will make a sales recommendation for plumbing appliances and fixtures for a house that is soon to be remodeled. Items such as sinks, bathtubs, showers, toilets, faucets, garbage disposers, dishwashers, water heaters, and water softeners will be compared and contrasted to determine the best fit for the customer. 

You will gain an in-depth knowledge of the options available for each of the fixtures and appliances. Your teams will also compare and contrast the features of various fixtures and appliances, and determine which ones will best suit the needs of the given homeowner. Teams will determine the best appliance or fixture that meets the customer's budget and need. Finally, you will support your decisions with recommendations.

During the unit, you will work in teams of three or four. Each team will determine their leader and division of labor. The members will need to develop a list of appliances and fixtures needed for the construction project, and then research and list the available features of each component. A cost comparison will need to be done on each component to determine the best fit for the client's needs. A final presentation of the findings will be developed as a "sales pitch" to the homeowner or contractor.

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