
Cycles of Life




Have you ever wondered how different living things go from being a baby to growing into an adult?

Have you given any thought about how caterpillars turn into butterflies or how tadpoles turn into frogs?

Insects and plants go through a life cycle similar to the one you go through!
As a matter of fact, did you know that every living species in this world go through a cycle of life?

Insects, humans, plants and animals all go through different stages in their life where they change and grow. They might not be the same exact stages, but the process can be very similar.

They can either start off as an egg or seed then move onto birth, growth and eventually adulthood.

As a class, we will find out the different physical changes  frogs, butterflies, plants go through.
Through your help and research, we will find out how each living species is different and unique.


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