
Promoting Diversity in School Teaching and Leadership Positions



You will be evaluated on whether or not you were able to complete the tasks of this WebQuest. Completion of tasks is crucial for gaining a better understanding of the issue in hand. 

The following holistic rubric can also be used as a self-checklist to remind you of the different steps needed to complete Tasks 1-3. 


Task 1:

1. Watch the TED video

2. Write a reflection on implicit bias and decision making

Task 2:

1. Read 4 articles on diversity

2.  Record a 5-min vlog summarizing articles or
Write an essay about the benefits of representation and how it promotes CRE

Task 3:

1. Discuss challenges of representation with colleague in current school and answer leading questions

2. Devise a support plan to inform future decision-making in your school building

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