
Establishing a Business




# Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Score
Description of the Business Students give (all four): - type of business - nature of the business - objective of the business - mission statement of the business Students give (any three): eg - type of business - nature of the business - objective of the business Students give(any two): eg - type of business - mission statement of the business Students give(only one): eg - type of business 8
Justification of Location State the Location of the Business. Outline three reasons to justify location State the Location of the Business. Outline two reasons to justify location. State the Location of the Business. Outline one reasons to justify location. State the Location of the Business. 8
Selection of appropriate labour. - type the labour necessary. - number of persons to be employed and their duties or functions. - outline one reason why this type of labour is necessary. - type the labour necessary. - number of persons to be employed - outline one reason why this type of labour is necessary. - type the labour necessary. - number of persons to be employed and their duties or functions. - type the labour necessary. - number of persons to be employed. 8
Role of the Entrepreneur. Define the role of the Entrepreneur. Outline three functions of the Entrepreneur. Define the role of the Entrepreneur. Outline two functions of the Entrepreneur. Define the role of the Entrepreneur. Outline one function of the Entrepreneur. Define the role of the Entrepreneur. or Outline three functions of the Entrepreneur. 8

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