
Designing and Developing a Database Part 1 The logical database design




# Level 3.1 Level 3.2 Level 3.3 Level 3.4 Score
Technology Process. Students apply a technology process to create or modify products, processes, systems, services or environments to meet human needs and realise opportunities. TP 3 The student: Uses an understanding of the relationship between aesthetics, social and environmental effects when generating and communicating designs and when creating and modifying technologies and evaluates results using functional and aesthetic criteria. TP 3.1 Examines and identifies key design features, including aesthetic features, and environmental effects of products, systems, processes, services and environments. TP 3.2 Generates designs that take into account some social and environmental implications and communicates using a range of graphical representations, models and technical terms. TP 3.3 Plans and carries out the steps of production processes, making safe and efficient use of resources. TP 3.4 Assesses how well the ideas, products, systems, processes, services and environments used meet design requirements, including consideration of functional and aesthetic criteria. Systems 25 marks
Enterprise Students pursue and realise opportunities through the development of innovative strategies designed to meet human needs. E 3 The student: Displays initiative and drive when generating and communicating ideas, planning and undertaking production while considering design requirements and constraints. E 3.1 Explores alternatives; provides reasons for choices made; participates in research; plans, produces and reflects on progress; comments constructively on the ideas of others; and reviews, modifies and adapts plans, techniques and processes in response to new ideas and problems encountered. E 3.2 Generates ideas, considering constraints; integrates these ideas into designs and communicates them in a variety of ways; plans and checks on progress when carrying out steps of production; considers efficient use of resources; and uses specified criteria when reflecting and evaluating. 25 marks
Information Students design, adapt, use and present information that is appropriate to achieving solutions to technology challenges I 3 The student: Understands that information has meaning when it is developed for a purpose and relates this understanding to the selection and use of various techniques to gather, send, receive, store and transmit information and create information products. I 3.1 Understands that information is used, created, constructed, stored and transmitted in different ways, giving it purpose and meaning. I 3.2 Selects and uses a range of techniques to access, record, store, manipulate and transmit information and create information products. 25 marks
Technology Skills Students apply organisational, operational and manipulative skills appropriate to using, developing and adapting technologies. TS 3 The student: Selects the skills and standard operational procedures and organises and uses the relevant tools and equipment efficiently and safely when creating and modifying technologies. TS 3.1 Manages resources to use relevant tools and equipment efficiently and safely when creating and modifying technologies. TS 3.2 Understands, selects and safely applies standard operational procedures to use relevant tools and equipment efficiently. TS 3.3 Manipulates relevant tools and equipment efficiently and safely when creating and modifying technologies. 25 marks

Total Score: 100 marks

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