
The Diary of Anne Frank - Life during The Holocaust



Please refer to the rubric for how you will be graded. 


# 4 3 2 1 Score
Holocaust Timeline Timeline contains 10 important facts. Neatly done. Timeline contains 8 or 9 facts. Neatly done. Timeline contains 5 -7 facts. More effort needed. Timeline contains less than 5 facts. More effort needed. _____/4
Responses to Anne's Diary entries Completed two thoughtful responses. No grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. Completed two thoughtful responses. Contains some grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Completed one response. Contains some grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Completed one or less response. Several grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. _____/4
Diary entries as Jewish child in hiding Completed two thoughtful diary entries. No grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. Completed two thoughtful diary entries. Contains some grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Completed one diary entry. Contains some grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Completed one or less diary entries. Contains several grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. _____/4
5 Facts - Secret Annex Online Contains 5 facts. Good effort. Neatly done. Contains 4 facts. Satisfactory effort. Neatly done Contains 3 facts. More effort needed. Contains 2 or less facts. More effort needed. _____/4

Total Score: _____/16

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