
Let's go to the Arctic!

Evaluation of Arctic Animals Webquest


Here is the rubric I will be using for this webquest. 


# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Good Job 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Arctic Animal Graphic Organizer Student does not write any facts about any of the three animals given. Student writes one fact about only one of the three animals given. Student writes one fact about two of the three animals given. Student writes one or more facts about each of the three animals given. 4
Penguin Exit Slip Student is not able to identify or write any facts about penguins. Student is able to write one fact about penguins. Student is able to write two facts about penguins. Student writes three facts about penguins. 4
Drawing Tutorial Participation Student did not complete work or participate in video activity. Student completed some work and had limited participation in the video activity. Student completed most work and participated actively during the video activity. Student completed all work and had outstanding participation during the video activity. 4
Arctic Animal Research Report Student is not able to use complete sentences to write and identify any facts about any Arctic Animals. Student uses a complete sentence to write and identify one fact about an Arctic Animal. Student has picture to match their words. Student uses complete sentences to write and identify two facts about an Arctic Animal. Student has picture to match their words. Student uses a complete sentence to write three or more facts about an Arctic Animal. Student has detailed picture to mat1ch their words. 4

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