
Expository Writing- Explaining the causes and effects of anorexia.



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Identify cause and effect Incompetence in addressing the criteria Frequent, inaccurate use of language. Competence in addressing the criteria Some ability to use language accurately and effectively but with some inconsistency. Superiority in addressing the criteria Very good use of language though there maybe the occasionally lapse in accuracy Superiority in addressing the criteria Excellent use of language. 30%
Expository writing techniques Incompetence in writing the essay correctly. Frequent, inaccurate use of language. Competence in writing the essay correctly. Some ability to use language accurately and effectively but with some inconsistency Superiority in writing the essay correctly. Very good use of language though there maybe the occasionally lapse in accuracy Superiority in writing the essay correctly. Excellent use of language. 40%
A well organized mini presentation plan competence in addressing the criteria Frequent, inaccurate use of language. Competence in addressing the criteria Some ability to use language accurately and effectively but with some inconsistency. Superiority in addressing the criteria Very good use of language though there maybe the occasionally lapse in accuracy. Superiority in addressing the criteria Excellent use of language. 20%
Content Too little information presented on the content area to make an assessment. Minimal information given on the content area to make an assessment. Enough information presented on the content area to make an assessment. Maximum information presented on the content area to make an assessment. 10%

Total Score: %100

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