
The origin and settlement of the Taino


See Rubric


# Score 20-15 Score 14-10 Score 9-5 Score 4-0 Score
Creativity and organisation Role play was well organised and clear. Students demonstrated high level of thinking Role play was well organised but creativity needed work. students show understanding of topic Role Play and creativity were lacking key elements Little to no creativity, students demonstrate little to no research
Sequence of migration pattern The sequence of migration pattern was clearly shown The sequence of migration pattern was clear however there were minor misconception The sequence of migration pattern was somewhat clear The sequence of migration pattern not clear
Understanding of pattern Students demonstrated high level understanding of pattern Students understand the pattern but small amount of help needed Students display average understand of pattern little to no understanding of the pattern
Migration time period Students state the correct time periods accurately Students states the time periods correct however got at least one wrong students got more than two migration time periods wrong All time periods given was incorrect

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