
Educational Psychology



You will be evaluated using the following grading rubric. Please take into consideration all of the following objective areas and be sure to fulfill all the requirements for an optimal grade.


# 5 4 3 2 or less Score
Number of slides Student has required 6 slides regarding topic. Student has only five slides. Student displays only three slides. Two slides or less results in failure.
Information regarding Psychologist Slide contains appropriate theory name as well as corresponding Psychologist. Slides contain appropriate theory name but fails to present psychologist. Theory is not presentedc but psychologist is. Neither are presented results in failure.
Description of thoery/ application of theory. Student thorougly describe theories using key terms and provide example of application. Provides sufficient information but does not exceed expectations, but provides examples of applications. Description is minimal and applications are present. Description is minimal and no examples are provided
Graphic usage. all six slides contain graphic five slides 4 slides 3 or less

Total Score: /20

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