



# 0 - 4 points 5 - 10 points 11 - 15 points 16 - 20 points Score
Part I: Preservatives ingredient and maximum concentration Six or fewer milk products were analyzed; many preservatives ingredient are missing; many errors in the maximum concentration Six to nine milk products were analyzed; some preservatives ingredient are missing; several errors in the maximum concentration Eight to nine milk products were analyzed; nearly all preservatives are represented; quantities of each concentration are accurate More than nine milk products were analyzed; all preservatives represented; quantities of each chemical are accurate 25 %
Part I: Packaging ( process, the material, temperature) Most packaging materials and temperature are inaccurately written or missing; many errors in the process of packaging Many packaging materials and temperature inaccurately or missing; some errors in the process of packaging Most packaging materials and temperature are accurately written with the correct process of packaging All packaging material and temperature are accurately written with the correct process of packaging 25 %
Part I: Storage & Distribution Most elements in storage system are not identified; many errors in describing process of distribution to market Many elements in storage system are not identified; many errors in describing process of distribution to market Nearly all elements in storage system are identified; the process of distribution to market is mostly correct in classification All elements in storage system are identified; the process of distribution to market is correctly described and classified 25 %
Part II: Reflection Paper Essay is 1-2 pages, many grammatical errors, responses are terse and not well-explained Essay is 2 pages, some grammatical errors; responses are satisfactory but not thorough or comprehensive Essay is 2-3 pages, few grammatical errors; responses are thoughtful and thorough Essay is 3 pages, grammatically correct; responses to questions are complete, thoughtful, and comprehensive 25 %

Total Score: 100 %

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