
Rebuild a Shore House!



Your final product will be evaluated based on the rubric below.  You will turn in your final poster.



# Beginning - 1 Developing - 2 Very Good - 3 Exemplary - 4 Score
Variety of Shapes Used only 1 shape in whole house design. Used 2 shapes - squares and rectangles, in house design. Used mostly squares and rectangles, with 1 triangle in house design. Used a variety of several squares, rectangles, and triangles in house design. Shapes Score
Measurements Many dimensions and/or units are not labeled or incorrect. Perimeter, Area, and/or Volume are not calculated. Dimensions and units are labeled, but some may be missing or incorrect. Perimeter, Area, and Volume calculations have many errors. Most dimensions and units are correctly labeled on floor plan with a few minor errors. Perimeter, Area, & Volume are all calculated, but may have some mistakes. All dimensions are correctly labeled on floor plan, with correct units. Perimeter, Area, & Volume are all calculated accurately. Measurements Score
Rooms Floor plan is incomplete and missing several required rooms. Floor plan is missing 1 or 2 required rooms. Floor plan includes a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and one bedroom. Floor plan includes a kitchen, bathroom, living room, one or more bedrooms, and extra rooms/areas. Rooms Score
Creativity & Effort Project is incomplete and a lack of effort is shown. Basic floor plan, and some effort given towards project. Original idea for floor plan. A good amount of effort was given towards the project. Very unique and original floor plan layout. It is clear a lot of effort was given towards this project. Creativity & Effort Score

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