
Riots, Rebels, and Noise: Listening to 20th Century Classical Music




# Passive Listener and Learner. Engaged Listener and Learner. Synthesizing Listener and Learner Fluent Listener and Learner Score
Understanding the concepts: Dissonance Avant-garde Minimalism Understands the definitions of the concepts. Can apply these definitions to the composers and music in the lesson. Understands why these concepts were controversial in the context of classical music and can draw parallels to popular music today. Understands the significance of these concepts to the composers and related musical movements and how these have changed the course of 20th century music. 25%
Listening skills development. Listens to examples but does not develop opinions about the listening. Reacts to listening examples and can articulate how the listening examples makes them feel. Understands what was seen as revolutionary about the music examples in the lesson. Is able to draw parallels between the music in the lesson and the popular music that they listen to. 25%
The "big" picture: synthesizing and relating to 20th century classical music. Unable to connect the concepts with the music or talk about what they learned in the lesson. Understands the connection between the concepts and the music. Understands the connection between the concepts and the music and how these composers and their music influenced music in the 20th century. Understands the connection between the concepts and the music and how these composers and their music influenced music in the 20th century. Can relate the concepts, composers, and music to popular music. 25%
Discussion and continued learning. Does not take an interest in the subject matter and does not try to engage. Is able to speak about what they like, don't like, find interesting, find confusing, etc. about the music. Relates information in the lesson to personal interest. Understands connections between the concepts and music and shows interest in pursuing the subject beyond the lesson (e.g. following all of the hyperlinks in the lesson, or visiting the library to check out more music). 25%

Total Score: %100

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