
Pollution : Deal or No Deal?




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Powerpoint Presentation Eagerness to look for facts regarding Pollution. Have you read several articles regarding Pollution? To understand what Pollution is and identify the sources and forms. Realize everyone's part in preserving our environment and think of ways to do so. %25
Play Share and listen to ideas within my group. Identify the story plot as well as its significance. To give justice to the character being portrayed. Reflect on the performance by means of discussion. %25
Activity-Survey Think about the waste management at home. Take down the wastes being produced at home. Realize their cause and effect. List the things should be done to eliminate them. %25
Reflection Reflect from the activities done. List down the significant points in the lesson. Point out the pro's and con's in the issue. Able to come up with a reflection paper. %25

Total Score: %100

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