
Figurative Language in Song Lyrics



You will be evaluated in two ways for this project:

  1. Complete a new blog post that summarizes the types AND meanings of the figurative language you found in each of your three songs.  Your blog post will essentially be three different paragraphs, one for each song you analyzed.  I recommend following this outline:
  • Topic sentence: Identifies the song title and the artist
  • Detail: Name the type of figurative language you found
  • Detail: Use quotes to identify the specific lyric
  • Detail: In 1-2 sentences, explain what that figurative language means 
  • Conclusion: How do you think the figurative language adds to the song? 

Make sure you consult the rubric and example blog post below before you write.

Example Blog Post:

In "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," the band Green Day uses a form of figurative language.  Personification is used when the artists sing, "I walk this empty street/along the Boulevard of Broken Dreams/where the city sleeps/And I'm the only one and I walk along.  The city is being personified because cities cannot sleep, that is a human characteristic.  What Green Day actually means is that the city is probably quite quiet and still.  I think this lyric adds to the song because it helps give the listener an idea of how alone the artist feels.  There is nothing going on around him, so he is by himself as he walks down his "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."

*This is just an example paragraph for ONE song.  You will need to write a similar paragraph for each of the songs you analyzed.  You also many choose to discuss more than one form of figurative language in a single song. 

2. Find your teacher's blog post titled "Figurative Language Reflection."  In a COMMENT on that post, answer the following question in 3-4 sentences:

Why do you think artists use figurative language in song lyrics?  Does figurative language make a song more interesting? Explain.


# Exceeds Meets Progressing Below Score
Blog Post Content Student identifies and fully explains more than one form of figurative language in at least 2 out of the 3 songs Student identifies and explains a different form of figurative language for three songs Student identifies and interprets the figurative language correctly in 2 songs Student identifies and interprets the figurative language correctly in one song /E
Sentence Fluency Uses a variety of sentence structure (simple, compound, complex) with no fragments or run-ons throughout the writing. Uses complete sentences with few fragments or run-ons throughout the writing. Uses a mixture of complete sentences, fragments, and run-ons throughout the writing. Rarely uses complete sentences /E
CUPS No CUPS errors A few minor CUPS errors that do not distract the reader Many CUPS errors that may or may not distract the reader Many CUPS errors that distract the reader or make the content difficult to understand /E
Reflection Comment N/A Reflection comment is thoughtful, contains evidence, and is free from CUPS errors Reflection comment is completed, but may be missing evidence or contain CUPS errors Reflection comment is incomplete or does not address the question /M

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