
Their Eyes Were Watching God : Zora Neale Hurston



You will be evaluated based on the rubric printed below. Please take the time to read the rubric as you complete the task at hand.


# Excellent Good Average Unsatisfactory Score
Choose a symbol that reflects a great desire Symbol is meaningful and reflects a clear desire. Symbol reflects desire but is somewhat broad and confusing. Symbol somewhat reflects a desire. Confusing in terms of meaning Symbol is broad and does not reflect a great desire. 5
Write a paragraph describing the chosen symbol Paragraph is appropriate length, very detailed, and clearly states why the symbol was chosen. Relates directly to the symbol. Paragraph is minimum length, contains details. Reason for choosing symbol is somewhat clear. Relates to the symbol. Paragraph is short, contains few details. Reason for choosing symbol is somewhat unclear. Relates to symbol, but not in a sufficient way. Paragraph is extremely short and contains no details. Reason for choosing symbol is completely unclear. Does not relate to symbol. 20
Sketch a picture of the chosen symbol Picture is well thought out, effort applied, and contains color. Picture is thought out and contains color. Picture is hardly thought out and contains little to no color. Picture is plain and not thought out. Contains no color. 10

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