
Order of Operations



Your work for this assignment will be graded according to the following rubric.  Please read it carefully and refer back to it often to ensure you are completing the assignments as instructed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


# 4 3 2 1 Score
Cooperative work The group worked well together with all members contributing significant amounts of quality work. The group generally worked well together with all members contributing some quality work. The group worked fairly well together with all members contributing some work. The group often did not work well together and the game appeared to be the work of only 1-2 students in the group. /4
Game Rules Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate. Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation. Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game. The rules were not written. /4
Accomplishing Mathematical Purpose Game is excellent help with understanding and practice of order of operations. Game helps with understanding and practice of order of operations. Game is limited help with understanding and practice of order of operations. Game is not helpful with understanding or practice of order of operations. /4
Creativity/ Presentation The group put a lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board. Group presentation is completely prepared and has obviously been rehearsed. The group put some thought into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters. Group presentation seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. The group tried to make the game interesting and fun, but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game. The group presentation is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Little thought was put into making the game interesting or fun. Group does not seem at all prepared to present. /4

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