
The 5 Themes of Geography in Chicago, IL.



Some important things to make your Web Quest a success and get an excellent grade:

  1. Use teamwork always, if your group sets up tasks and a member is falling behind, don't assume they are being lazy, some of the sections are much more involved than others. You are a team, imagine you are running a relay race, if one runner is having trouble, the next runners just need to make up for a little lost time.
  2. Ask Questions! It is much better for your grade if you understand your task.
  3. Read the individual assignment and grading before you begin. You may find it is easier to focus when you know what you are expected to do, and what to look for along the way.
  4. Ask a friend, parent, or other relative to look over your work and get another point of view. Don't let them just look at it for a minute and hand it back, get someone who will give you honest ways to make your project better. Do the same with your individual portions, but use your group members to review them. Giving someone ideas to make their project better is not saying their project is bad, it is just a different point of view, a new set of ideas. Remember everything is graded as a team, be a team, be a success, be the best!


# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
5 Themes A theme is excluded, or themes are only slightly addressed. little work on the project is completed. Each theme is partially developed, some of the assignments are complete, but half or more of the elements or questions are missing. Each theme is partially developed, most of the assignments are complete, but 1-2 elements or questions are missing. Each theme is well developed, all questions are answered completely. %40
Originality Most answers are direct from sources, some are incorrect. No creative thought is used, answers are straight forward and simply answer the question. Some of the answers are not correct. Some creative thought is used, students put the majority of the work in their own words, but some ideas or answers are directly from sources. Answers show creative thought. Students use their own words to answer questions. %20
Individual Task Location lacks description and only has minimal benefits of visiting. A visitor would likely pass on visiting this location. Location lacks a thorough description, more could have been added to answers or description to make location sound interesting. A visitor may or may not go to this location Location is descriptive and interesting but not all the questions that could have applied to the location were answered. A visitor would still be interesting in going to this location Location is descriptive and interesting and student is enthusiastic in wanting the reader to visit this location. All questions that apply to the location are answered completely. Student uses printout or brochures. %25
Visual and Organization Minimal effort was put into the outside of the packet and the inside of the packet is very unorganized or missing work. The packet is visually welcoming on the outside but the internal organization is difficult to work through. The packet is welcoming, Few color variations are used to make the packet visually inviting. The packet is well organized The packet is welcoming to a newcomer. Several colors and variations in style are used to make packet visually inviting. All the information is well organized %15

Total Score: %100

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