
My Ecological Footprint



During this web quest students will be evaluated on:

  • Their ability to participate effectively during group tasks.
  • Their ability to participate effectively during individual tasks.
  • Their ability to extract information from the animation clip and answer the questions outlined in the Sustainability Basics Quiz.
  • Their ability to develop a Brainstorm detailing the key criteria for ecological footprints and strategies for footprint reduction. 


# Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score
Participation During Group Tasks Student was not willing to contribute to discussion or tasks Student was not willing to contribute to discussion or tasks Student contributed to both discussions and tasks Student provided a significant contribution to discussions and tasks 25
Participation During Individual Tasks Student was rarely �on task� and required frequent direction from the teacher Student was generally �on task� and required some direction from the teacher Student was able to complete all tasks and required little direction from the teacher Student was able to complete all tasks to a high level without direction from the teacher 25
Sustainability Basics: Quiz 0-3 Correct Answers 4-5 Correct Answers 6-7 Correct Answers 8-10 Correct Answers 10
Ecological Footprint: Brain Storm Student shows limited knowledge of footprint influences and underdeveloped ideas for its reduction. Student shows some knowledge of footprint influences and provided some ideas for its reduction. Student shows detailed knowledge of the criteria for Ecological Footprint Calculation and provided a range of ideas for its reduction. Student shows detailed knowledge of the criteria for Ecological Footprint Calculation and provided a comprehensive set of ideas for its reduction. 40

Total Score: 100

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