
Exploring Fractions with Pizza



Let's see how you did! You need to complete all parts of the process and have a great understanding of the work and good teamwork to get a perfect score. The harder that you try and the more work you do will give you a better score, so don't give up. Do the best you can and keep on learning!!


# Poor (0%) Fair (7%) Good (15%) Excellent (25%) Score
WORKING TOGETHER TO HELP THE TEAM Did not contribute or work with the team. Offered some information but did not assist teammates. Offered some information and tried to help others on the team. Worked well with team while offering help and receiving information with a good attitude. 0% - 25%
UNDERSTANDS CONCEPT OF FRACTIONS Has little or no concept of fractions or how to use them. Has some concept of fractions and attempts to use them correctly. Has some concept of fractions and uses them correctly much of the time. Has a total understanding of fractions and uses them correctly. 0% - 25%
COMPLETED WORKSHEETS Made little or no attempt to complete the worksheets. Completed some of the problems on the worksheets. Completed most of the problems on the worksheets. Completed all of the problems on the worksheets. 0% - 25%
ACCURACY ON WORKSHEETS Got none of the answers right. Got at least half of the answers correct. Got 75% of the answers correct. Got all of the answers correct. 0% - 25%

Total Score: 0% - 100%

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